Statement on Black Lives Matter and Racial Justice
It is not time to be silent. Staying silent in times of injustice is the same as oppression. We stand together to support the end to systemic racism aimed at communities of color and stand with our community members whose lives are threatened.
We at The Wetlands Conservancy work with a mission to partner with communities across our state in conserving, enhancing, and restoring the physical and ecological values of Oregon’s greatest wetlands for current and future generations. We know the great value that can come from spending time in nature as well as the many health benefits provided by clean water. We recognize that black people, indigenous people, and other people of color have not been included in the conversations about land use in their own backyards. We know land trust communities have not been inclusive. We will continue to listen and learn how we can be a part of the solution.
Black lives matter. Our friends at the Oregon Community Foundation have put together a great list of organizations working to support racial justice. Join us in supporting this incredibly urgent and vital work.